
Friday, June 3, 2011

We're Not in Kansas Anymore...

despite tornado warnings for the area, yes tornado, our first ever Art Show was a huge hit!

I live in an area where a tornado actually touching down is a rare occasion. the one that touched down a few hours west of here made national news the night of our show. I of course had no idea what was going on, as I spent over 10 hours in the same auditorium trying to put everything up before the 6pm show time. needless to say, we were skeptical about attendance, especially after seeing the devastation in Joplin. but by the end of the night, all the juice, cookies, and coffee were gone and I am continuing to hear positive feedback from students, parents, families and friends.


Those are shots of just the classes I teach. There are six more that I currently do not, but they were also included in the show. In the future, I would like to teach K and 1st, but starting at 2nd this year was a good transition from 4-8 last year, and 6-8 the year before. We'll see what the budget has in store for next year!

I also learned a TON from putting up the show, and the lessons, classroom set up and management this year. I still have a few weeks left, thanks snow days! But soon I will post some of the lessons we have been working on, now that I have some "down" time.

oh yea, and if the work seems squished... its because it was.
I did not find out until 10am that day that I would NOT have additional space to hang art, unless I wanted to use the walls... talk about last minute. out of my control. But, there is always next year!


  1. Fabulous show! So much great stuff to look at.

    About that tornado - I live maybe an hour and 1/2 to the west of where it hit, and my hubby was driving home from Boston when I heard the news. He wasn't answering his cell, and I got VERY nervous. But he said he just passed through a brief period of torrential rain and hail, and that was it. Thank goodness he's home safe, and my son is also safe in his new home in Boston.

  2. It was frightening stuff! I live very close to Boston and thankfully it was only lightening and a crazy thunder storm. I am glad everyone is safe and pass along a "welcome to Boston" to your son for me!
