
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

a glimpse and substitute plans

These are the bulletin boards to the right and the left of my chalkboard. I've only wished for a whiteboard just recently when I started teaching perspective... I've been going home covered in chalk dust after demonstrating on the board!

Tomorrow I am headed to my mentor's school to hang out and observe. That means someone will be covering my classes for the first time in my teaching career. At my school last year, I was out once and art classes were just canceled for the day. Needless to say, I am nervous. I have tried to lay out all the details, procedures and materials, and hid all the paint under the counter! I left three lessons for the sub to choose from:

I came across this plan via Pinterest. I followed it back to School Arts and felt like with a little prep, this would be a quality substitute lesson, especially since eighth grade has been working hard learning about perspective. The students will plan a design to flow from panel to panel of a cube template, color and assemble.

While over at the School Arts blog, I noticed that "Miss" at a faithfal attempt left a comment about her Black & White Doodle Design substitute plan. I've always loved black and white doodles and really enjoy the idea of creating a focal point, so this lesson was a natural fit.

Finally, a Jasper Johns "Numbers in Color" inspired name and birthday design, completed using, a pattern, color scheme or theme.

I left everything on the front table, except for the markers, crayons, colored pencils that are in the cabinet behind this table (and I pray are returned), adorned with plenty a sticky note for specific directions.

Lion's Club Peace Poster Contest

I'm a little late posting these... the entries were due in November. But between trying to figure out what I'm doing in my new school, graduate school and life, blogging has fallen by the wayside.

I gave students the option to work on poster designs in class for a few weeks after showing the video introducing the contest on the Lion's Club website. I think that could be why I had almost 50 entries! I knew from asking in my interview (if there were any traditional exhibits or contests) that the Lion's Club annual poster contest was a place my principal really wanted our school to be showcased. I have never entered an art "contest" or facilitated one, so I wasn't too sure of what I was doing. Add to that my principal being out the week entries were due and I really felt like I was in over my head. After speaking to a parent, whose son stayed up super late to make sure his entry was in, only to find out that he was over the age limit (above), I realized I needed to do more than just pick a winner. So, when my principal returned the following week and saw the above display in the lobby, I felt pretty good.

grade 8 Honorable Mention
grade 6 and 7 Honorable Mentions
grade 6 and 7 Honorable Mentions
grade 8 and 6 Honorable Mentions

This design went on to represent out school at the city level!  (grade 7)