
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Spring Art Show Wrap Up

Wow. A part of me still feels like I am recuperating from the thirteen hour work day setting up the show, dismantling of the show the next day, returning the work the following, and celebrating student of the semester. All in one, short week. Maybe I am also anxiously gearing up for the last weeks of school!

But my first public school art show went off without much of a hitch. I suppose the only hitch was how I felt selling some of the student work. I get uncomfortable selling working. The money comes back to the art program, but I get worried, and so do the kids, as to where their hard work is going. And, on my end, did I remember to put the "not for sale" sticker on the work, or did the responsible 8th graders helping to prepare in the weeks before remember!?

Over sixty works of art were sold, raising almost $200 for the art program in one night. I have nothing to compare that to, but I'd say it was a success! I am even more happy with the comments from parents and staff saying how it was the best art show in memory. Thank goodness! I am the third art teacher the poor eighth grade kids have had!

8th grade Color Scheme Bike Tempera Painting

7th grade Pop Art

Also 7th grade Pop Art... you'll need to rotate your screen.
Also, an adapted lesson for my special needs student. 
7th grade Warm and Cool Rule of 3rds Bikes

All of the above pieces were sold. Two of the four to the former art teacher, now solely teaching elementary. The other two to staff members. 

The panels formed a horse shoe. This is the middle, with one of the three tables of 6th grade Character Bowls.

We were fortunate enough to borrow the metal panels from the local art association. It really made life (for me) so much easier. And I think it brought up the level of professionalism. Also wonderful was the the joint celebration of the arts that night. After an hour of viewing the art work, parents, families and others in attendance enjoyed a band and chorus performance. I was very impressed by the chorus. They really pulled it together for Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror and Journey's Don't Stop Believing!

The day after the show, I brought my students down to view the remaining works and look a little more closely at a work of their choice. With a partner, students answers questions, almost like a critique, about a classmate's work.
During last period, I was asked to come down to the office as soon as the bell rang. I tried not to get nervous, but all I kept thinking was "What did I do?"

There was a message from the assistant superintendent to please give her a call back. Um ok, sure thing.
Boy am I glad I did! She asked if I would be interested in a year, .5 position teaching high school, in addition to my .5 position teaching middle school. I have the opportunity to be full time next year! At a public school!! I have been working towards this since college graduation six years ago. Yes, I am interested, thank you, thank you, thank you!

So, anyone out there teach high school?
I am waiting for more specifics but am very much looking forward to the new challenge and improving my middle school curriculum as I go.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Sarah!

    I used to teach high school - granted, it was a LONG time ago but I know you'll do great. There are a few good high school bloggers out there though you probably already read them - Painting with Brains comes to mind.
