
Monday, February 11, 2013

Top Five Storm

This post is mostly for my curious mom who called every few hours from Florida to check on us during the storm here (outside of Boston). My brother works on Long Island taking down trees for the electric company, so I am sure his storm stories are more interesting than mine. Nonetheless, we survived, if only a little worse for wear. And I appreciate the calls, even if mom was on a beach!


Thursday afternoon, before parent/teacher conferences, school was cancelled for Friday. Honestly, we may have been able to get a half day in, but not all teachers have the two mile commute that I do, so it was probably safer to call the entire day. 
I spent my day taking pictures every couple of hours, doing graduate school homework and cooking in anticipation of loosing power. The above collage is the view from my living room window throughout the day Friday when the snow started around noon and didn't stop until Saturday afternoon.

Saturday morning

Second floor bathroom window facing south, Sunday morning

We lost power sometime after 10pm Friday night. As the hearty New Englander that my boyfriend is, he had shoveled at least twice Friday, but we promptly we out Saturday morning to dig out even more. Two hours later, we managed to clear a path to our downstairs neighbor's front door and wiggle our cars out of the driveway (not that we are going anywhere!). Our issue, much like our last apartment, is that there is no where to put the snow!

After shoveling, the house felt warm, but the temperature quickly fell. We spent the remainder of the day huddled under the blankets. I somehow slept for most of the day. No sooner had I started to read, did the power go back on around 4pm. My aunt, who lives in the next town over, had called about an hour earlier, offering us a warm bed and food for the evening, once the driving ban was lifted. I was happy to call her back to let her know the heat was blasting and the power was on!

The picture above was taken Sunday morning before we ventured out for groceries, which is part of our normal Sunday routine. However, the mile drive to Stop and Shop was pretty awful. There was still snow packed on the roads and since school is cancelled again for today, I am assuming that the city has had trouble figuring out where to put all the snow too! 

Our street, driving home from the grocery store. Thankfully, it is a one way!


  1. Thanks for sharing your pics. My son lives in Boston, works for an event planning firm, and they were in charge of a huge benefit concert event for Big Brother/Big Sisters Saturday night that they decided could not be cancelled. Somehow they pulled it all together working before and after the driving ban to get everything into place, and I guess it went really well, despite the challenges. Crazy weather for sure! Drive carefully and stay safe!

  2. I think you captured the essence of the day. Yes, I was curious but, as a mother, willl always want to be sure my children are safe. Sorry bout the beach part, couldn't be helped with cousins visiting, you know......

    1. Nope, I think its great that you called and pretty cool that a few thousand miles away it was beautiful!
