
Saturday, January 11, 2014

New year

Happy New Year!

I hate New Year's Eve. There was always so much emphasis on having an "epic" night, especially when I was a teenage, that I learned to loathe the high expectations. I'd much rather a low key night with friends and family. But I do very much enjoy the idea of a clean slate; a new beginning. As a teacher, I feel like I have the benefit of two times a year when I can restart (September and January) and thats pretty fantastic!

As much as I don't want to emphasize it, this is a big year for me. I turn 30.
I remember my mother's 30th birthday, or at least the photos and VHS tapes, we are only 25 years apart. :)
But now its my turn.

I discovered today that there are a bunch of lists floating around the interwebs of things to do before turning 30.
I quickly grew bored of them. They were clearly written by early twenty somethings and young mothers. Nothing wrong with that, but I have three months, not nine years, or kids and a husband for that matter.

I did however enjoy this video from Buzzfeed.

SO, I decided to make a short list of things to consider over the next three months and beyond:
  1. "Quit drinking. Quit carbs. Quit unhealthy foods. Quit bad friends. And then pick them all up again. Repeat this cycle until you know how to drink, know how to eat, and know how to love. Or turn 30. Whichever comes first." Ryan O'Connell from toughtcatalog. I realize I did not say this, and some twenty something did, but since college, I have come to understand the benefit of this cycle.
  2.  Don't worry, be happy. Its so simple, yet so true. I have spent so much of my life worrying that I forget to live in the moment and be happy.
  3. Set attainable goals. I've decided that I function best with goals in mind. So with #2 in mind, I need to also make sure that those goals are not too far fetched.
  4. Live in another country. I stole this one from other lists I've read. I consider my time on Nantucket this summer as time abroad. Make sure to click the link above!
  5. Start writing a blog. Also stolen from other lists. I have to say, I enjoy having the ability to share parts of my life with others and even more so, enjoy the connections made from my three year journey here.
  6. Manage money better. Start a 401(k) or in my case a 403(b). I have started managing money better thanks to free services provided by my local credit union. In addition to my teacher retirement fund, I'd like to open a 403(b) this year.
  7. Get fit. I purchased a Planet Fitness membership this week. Wish me luck!
  8. Keep taking art classes, even if I don't need them for work. I had a blast with my five week drawing in pubs course. It was a great balance between skill and fun and has kept up my desire to draw. Plus, I am able to relate to what my students are going through because I too am drawing.
  9. Visit friends and family more often. I stink at this right now. I see my grandmother once a year and my mom twice a year. They are both in FLA and my best friend is in Maine. Hopefully by managing money better, I will be able to visit people more often.
  10. Travel alone. My Nantucket adventure was eye opening to me in terms of being able to travel alone. When not in the studio, I spent a decent amount of time alone, or met up with just a couple of girls from class. I'd like to pursue this more. 
  11. Paint. 
  12. Dream.
  13. Spend money on quality things- don't cheap out. The way I see it, at this point in my life I'd rather spend money on things that are going to last. I'm not waiting for a wedding registry anymore. If I want a food processor, I will save my money and buy one on sale!
  14. Stay up until 10pm or later on weekends. Or at least as late as I can, depending on the work week!
  15. Earn Professional Status AND my Professional License. This may take some work. I should have Professional Status after the first school day next year, but I may need a couple of classes to attain that Professional License. Hopefully by 2015!
So here's to 2014 and turning 30!
I'll keep y'all posted on my adventures in teaching and life as long as you keep reading!

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