
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Getting ready for our first YAM!

Happy Youth Art Month!

I am really excited for YAM this year. 
I've always wanted to participate in some capacity, but for some reason or another I never have. Perhaps this year its a combination of having the time and finally feeling like I know what I am doing in the classroom, for the most part. I might not have the most original lesson plans, but I can tell that my students are learning and they are producing great work. Even if we don't do a school wide initiative this year, I at least wanted to get that great work out there.

So, I've entered some student work into our state wide show. Each teacher is allowed five pieces. Its not a guarantee that all the pieces are selected though. In addition to the four pieces below, I am looking forward to helping with the show. I volunteered to hang up work on the Saturday before the opening. 

I hope that this is a step in the right direction for our little department. I have the equivalent of tenure on the first day of school next year and hope to make the most of it. If this show is a successful endeavor, then there will sure to be more in the future. 

 Art One, Grade 9. Collage.

 Art One, Grade 11. Scratchboard.

Art One, Grade 9. Pencil.

Art Two, Grade 11. Prismacolor pencil.

Please forgive the odd angles of these photos. I asked a Photography student to take them, as she has a much better camera than I. However, she didn't take them straight on. 

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