
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Student Led Field Trip

had an interesting experience today. 

I was invited to attend a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts Boston with a group if History students and Sophomore Docents. 

We have a great program where students from both of our city's high schools send students to the MFA to train as docents. Each year there is a different focus. This year students were introduced to and eventually researched some of the artifacts from China, India, Korea, and other Asian countries. 

I was amazed by the amount of information students were able to spout out to their freshman peers! The docents worked in groups of two to three students to present the artifacts. Students had prepared speeches, complete with thought provoking questions for each group. I was proud of the group of ten students I was with. They contributed to the conversations about the work and although there was a lot of walking and standing, I think they enjoyed it. 

I am glad I had the opportunity to attend, even though I had to leave behind sub plans. But from the looks of it, the plans worked and should be a great lead into Keith Haring inspired printmaking. Plans and pictures soon to come! 

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