
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Back on the Island

I can't believe its's here!
I have returned to Nantucket for another two week painting course. The last week or so have been so jam packed with school functions and the other goings ons of life, which I will get to later, that the idea of spending another glorious two weeks painting, felt like a dream I would never attain. But I am here!

I arrived at our humble apartments in the late afternoon, and wouldn't you know, I was assigned the same building and am sleeping in the same bed, as last year. No sooner did I unpack and make the bed, did our last classmate arrive and after a quick change of clothes, we were off to the super market for dinner, and weekly (hopefully) provisions.

We had a lovely dinner at our Field Station. There were lots of laughs and wine with getting to know each other conversations. It was very nice to come together as a group to prepare and share a meal.

I feel comfortable in this group of people and familiar with my surroundings. I hope that will aid me with my painting. I only started with oils last summer and my goal for this course is to work a little more abstractly. Only time will tell, but for now, I count myself so lucky and fortunate to have this opportunity again, and plan to make the most of it.

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