
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Vacation cont'd

I powered through Monday and today. being tired hit me like a ton of bricks at 3pm this afternoon! vacation was great, but I almost wish there had been on more day in order to recover from Easter.

vacation started with Record Store Day and an evening going in town to see my boyfriend's band. Our local Newbury Comics had a few good pick ups, but we really hit the jackpot at a little independent store in Brattleboro, VT. we drove over from Woodstock on one of our days up north. even though it was rainy, the small town center was recovering from a fire in one of the few buildings, and the art museum was closed, we enjoyed our short visit.

I also had a chance to play with my new camera!

the Woodstock condo

Long Trail Brewery!
Harpoon Brewery... they have an indoor fire pit!

I still have a lot to learn about all the settings and what exactly my camera can do. For now, I am very happy with my birthday purchase!

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