
Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day and April Vacation

this is my latest work of art... I actually made my own art this week! love vacation. I started this piece in August, and I am not sure I am totally sold on it yet, but it may feel more complete once I put it in a black, LP frame I have kicking around.
I went to an MA NAEA conference at UMASS Dartmouth a year ago November and one of the workshops I went to used this collage process that I have fallen in love with. I have always worked by adding and then subtracting, whether textiles or drawing, so this process really works for me. My AP exam concentration was using collage too, so this combines all my favorite art making techniques... anyway, I glue magazine and catalog pages to whatever I have laying around, in this case some leftover mat board I have or may not have taken from the scrap bin when I worked at Michaels... I used matte medium as the adhesive. before a piece of paper totally dries, I pull it off the mat board, and see what it leaves behind. sometimes I will do that with a piece of text too. From there, I keep working, adding and subtracting as I see fit. In this case, I used some almost transparent gold acrylic too.
This is one of the first, if not the first, piece I did using this process. I left a lot more of the original collage, and added red and blue paint. You can see in the top right corner some of the text too. I also incorporated some paste paper I've been carrying around since high school! seriously, I have a tupperware of papers I've collected over the years... should have known I'd be an art teacher!

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