Mid Term was technically Friday, but there was so much going on that we only had a chance today to meet individually with the professor. Thursday we had off for the Fourth, Friday I spent working on two of my first three paintings, and the weekend I spent thinking about my final project... and enjoying what the island has to offer.
Friday was a full, long day. We started with a drive to Madaket Beach and the Madaket Mall. The water was a beautiful blue color like nothing I have ever seen in the north east. The effect of erosion was also pretty evident. A portion of the shore line was even blocked off because there were pilings left behind from something that washed off shore.
The Madaket Mall is really the dump. However, there is a "take it or leave it" section. As we pulled in two women were loading their van with rocking chairs and a framed picture. There were old electronics, books, clothes, beach chairs and furniture. I am sure that after the fourth of July weekend that the picking was superb, but I didn't grab anything on Friday.
Due to the heavy fog that rolled in around 7 Thursday night, the fireworks were held Friday night. We lucked out and found a nice spot past Brant Point Lighthouse. Afterwards, one of the other girls and I found a less preppy, less crowded bar, 12 Degrees East, and stayed out for a few drinks. It was the first night I had stayed in town after dark and was very impressed with myself that I knew the way home!
Saturday morning I got an early start, walked to the market, did a load of laundry, met with one of the girls for breakfast and purchased a bike lock for my adventure later in the day. Over breakfast, we bought a paper and read a great article about our professor's upcoming show. I have searched the internet for a link but have not been able to locate one. If and when I do, I will post it.
Later in the day, I rode my bike with one of my classmates, back to Surfside beach. The water was super refreshing and after a few hours in the sun, I was done. I rested up, made some dinner and four of us went into town for a ghost tour. Its exactly what it sounds like. Our tour guide brought us to five different locations and told us of numerous hauntings that took place at each sight. I don't know if I totally believe it, but it was and interesting and unique experience!

I slept pretty well Saturday night after all the fresh air! I was a little slow moving in the morning, but by afternoon we were on another adventure. This time we walked into town purposely taking photos for our upcoming assignment. We then popped into a few stores, including the candy shop, before catching the bus. We took it as far as we could, then walked about a third of a mile down to the Cisco Brewery. The other side of the island feels totally different from the hustle and bustle of town. We walked past fields and peaceful houses.
The place was super relaxed. It was still really hot, so we posted up in the corner of this tent, listening to the live music and enjoying our day. And of course indulging in a few local brews. I think we all agreed that our favorite part of the day however was the free shuttle back to town. Not that the bus was awful, but this was a direct trip with a Heath Leger circa 10 Things I Hate about You van driver...
We grabbed an appetizer in town before heading back to the condos. I closed my eyes on the couch and woke up an hour later. Needless to say, after a quick hello at our picnic table, which has pretty much become a nightly thing, I was in bed.
Today we got to take part in a really unique and special experience. We met a tour guide, and a 4x4 passenger van, in Wauwinet. This is a narrow stretch of land to the east, that stretches north and back west again, creating Nantucket Harbor and the barrier beaches. For over two hours, we drove through conservation land and were able to see parts of Nantucket that people hardly get to see... unless they have big money for a pass, tour or land.
That little bobbing head is a seal! We couldn't go all the way out to Great Point Light because the piping plover is nesting. From what I have heard, there a lots and lots of seals out there. This guy and a few of his or her friends were fishing and we were more than happy to get out and take pictures.
Everything was beautiful. I feel like I could take landscape pictures of Nantucket all the time and never get tired of their beauty.
We stopped in 'Sconset for lunch and headed back to the field trip for our mid term meetings and initial discussions of our week long assignment. I should be researching, sketching or painting for that, but its about time to meet at the picnic table.